
Friday, 25 March 2011

Doin' it rodeo style

Day 4. Release of the RTW collection of Wonderland Of E. So here you are, both of our collections were released, you can now take a second to gaze at them and admire them as much as you can, haha. Or not. Anyways, there were loads of amazing outfits out there today, and it was hard to choose just a few. So I went  for more than a few (and I spotted lots of necklaces!).

featured: polincik, vampire_, juliette116, marikate14, conii987, syligirl, blackgazette, nojarama, iovanca, rascal313, tonia.ftw, sasha_sushi, blahm3, queen-of-mean., maddrumfairy, jelizaveta123


1 comment:

Marykate said...

thanks for featuring me! :)
it was maggies job,though:o
haha,love the bd list:D